Sunday Mass 8:30 am - in the Church Thursday Mass 8:00 am in the Church The Rosary is prayed 1/2 hour before each Mass
Stations will occur at on Fridays 12:15 through Lent
Adoration and Confession occur on the Last Sunday of the Month, and also on the First Thursday after Mass.
Soccer season has started! Volunteers are always needed to encourage the children! Please reach out in the afternoons if you have some time.
The stands are ready!
Dan’s Electrical has finished work and the power company is scheduled to connect the new meter connected to the rectory 9:30 on 3/27
Thank you for your prayers and continued support.
Normal Food Pantry and Clothes Closet Hours: Monday, Wednesday, Friday. 10-noon
We are discussing People of Passion for Lent. All are welcome. A few books are still available. Mike Thigpen will lead discussion on Lessons 19-24 next week 3/23. Please join us!
Needs & Wants, can you help? Soccer practice is ongoing. Do you have any time, any afternoon to come and encourage the children? If so please use the website to volunteer.
In the pantry, We are turning down free food for lack of a driver on Thursday mornings and always need back-ups who can be called when others are out. If you think you would be willing to help, please respond through the website email.
Holy Rosary Parish is a small, diverse and vibrant community of faith in the Gate City neighborhood of Birmingham, Alabama and the Diocese of Birmingham in Alabama. We are located at 7414 Georgia Road, Birmingham, AL 35212. Holy Rosary is celebrating its 135th anniversary in the 2024 year. Please join us for Sunday Mass at 8:30 am and join our small parish community by clicking join us!
A diverse community comes together at Holy Rosary to celebrate the sacraments, enjoy community, and serve our neighbors in a broad range of social ministries and apostolates.
Our Life
“The Church's deepest nature is expressed in her three-fold responsibility: of proclaiming the word of God (kerygma-martyria), celebrating the sacraments (leitourgia), and exercising the ministry of charity (diakonia). These duties presuppose each other and are inseparable. For the Church, charity is not a kind of welfare activity which could equally well be left to others, but is a part of her nature, an indispensable expression of her very being.”
— Deus Caritas Est, Pope Benedict XVI
Our History
Founded in 1889, Holy Rosary remains in its historic church built by the hands of its immigrant founders. 135 years later the parish remains a diverse community dedicated to the fullness of the Catholic faith expressed in word, sacrament, and service.
Our high altar and reredos is a work of beauty. Like the rest of the church, it was built by the immigrant founders - a stunning piece of carpentry from the front, it is even more amazing from behind. As you can see, this work of beauty and wonder was built with scrap wood - a perfect metaphor for the work of Holy Rosary to this day.
Our Mission
Gate City is among the poorest neighborhoods in Birmingham and thus brings us ample opportunities to minister with our neighbors and promote the common good. Throughout its history, Holy Rosary has been at the forefront of contemporary Catholic Social Teaching.
Support for Holy Rosary can be designated for ongoing and immediate needs in the Food Pantry or maintenance of our facility. Online donations can be sent here and checks can be sent to:
Holy Rosary | 7414 Georgia Road | Birmingham, AL 35212
Get Involved
Our community thrives because of a dedicated group of lay volunteers who exercise leadership, serve each other, and discover joy in Jesus Christ found in word, sacrament, and service. Contact us!